Vines, A Looming Is, & We Sent it to the Moon

Vines, A Looming Is, & We Sent it to the Moon is a collection of three letterpress-printed books that represent a collaboration between Alexa Tullett, Sarah Scarr, and Jillian Sico (respectively). Each book presents a unique perspective on the present and future of electronic and digital waste. The three books are housed in a box designed to look like a 1990s-era cell phone.

Vines, written by Alexa Tullett, is a humorous textual “archive” of six-second video clips that were uploaded to the now-defunct social media service Vine. The descriptions are accompanied by images of cell phones being overtaken by kudzu vines, with a cover of wisteria & kozo paper. A Looming Is is a prose poem by Sarah Scarr about “trash” satellites that orbit the earth, with eerie depictions of contemporary modes of communication. We Sent it to the Moon envisions an ironically optimistic future in which e-waste is shipped to the moon, with images created using a scratch-negative technique.

Edition of 20, Spring 2019
Size: 4 x 9”
Materials: Hanemuhle ingres paper; kozo paper; handmade wisteria and kozo paper; handmade cotton/flax paper; thread